Training for a circular mer-sector

The African Circular Economy Network (ACEN), in partnership with the University of the Free State (UFS) is running a series of Training Courses for those in the manufacturing, engineering, and related-services sector looking to create stronger business offerings.

Embracing circular economy principles can help you close the loops on your business processes, access new profit pools, increase supply chain resilience, and find new demand for your products and services.

We have two training offerings: one for professionals such as engineers (28-29 November) and another training for mentors of SMMEs and SMMEs (21-22 November). Both trainings will take two days and are 5 hours long each day. CPD accreditation is in progress. The training will be repeated in the beginning of 2025.

Full subsidised options are available, as the project is funded by the manufacturing, engineering and related service SETA (merSETA) of South Africa.


Register as a mentor or SMME


Register as a professional